Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Roof but No Walls!

Tom and the carpenters have been busy and my kitchen is starting to look like a real room.

This old house had some really wide boards under the siding!

Tom removed the last wall between the old and new kitchen.

We are continuing to cook and eat in all of the mess.

The rains started and work stopped.

The rain made all of the wild roses bloom.

We're really enjoying all of the fresh air!

This is NOT my kitchen but I did buy this stove, an AGA cooker, on EBay.  Now we have to have it shipped from Texas and figure out where to put it until the kitchen is ready.  It weighs 1290 pounds.  Next  I'm looking for sinks. 

I did a little Photoshop magic to show the carpenters how the roof line will change.  
The roof will eventually be a red tin roof


  1. hope yu make big windows up there tina! nice view..rain or shine...!

  2. Amazing how fast this is moving along. Going to be great when finished.
    Hugs to you both!

  3. You'll have to let me know how the Aga cooker works for you.
